Bossy Hero Content Warnings

Minimal Spoilers Ahead – You’ve been warned!

Bossy Hero – Content Warnings

Hello, lovely readers!

Out of respect for your mental health, I’m offering the following brief summary of content that some readers may wish to know about before reading Bossy Hero. I’ve tried my best to capture the common triggers in this list. If you have any questions, feel free to email my PA at: We’ll be happy to answer your specific inquiries so you can read this book without concern.

First off – this is not a “Dark Romance”. It’s still got the vibe you’d expect from a Jackie Walker novel. The content that is on this page is handled with the utmost of care and respect. It’s a spicy romantic suspense novel, so the “action” matches that vibe.

Okay, here are some common triggers that are included in the book.

  • One main character has an abusive past – domestic violence and childhood abuse (all abuse happens off-page and the descriptions are minimal. But she’s dealing with the healing aspect)
  • Death of a minor side character (death occurs off-page but a main character deals with the death on-page)
  • Minor side character has schizoaffective disorder (brief and minimal mentions)
  • Physical violence (guns, hand to hand, etc.) – not between the main characters (happens on-page).
  • Profanity and explicit (consensual) sexual acts
  • Multiple side characters are pregnant